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Monday, December 22, 2014

Love Yourself

blankslide Loving Yourself Quotes

Hello Monday! Motivate diri sendiri sikit ^_^

Friday, December 19, 2014

Kerana Kawan

Non related to anybody. Read and think. Dont make any speculations ^_^V

Di satu petang yang damai di kedai Chatime (hihihi y must Chatime?)

Sal: Wah.. banyaknyer beli
Nurul: Tadi aku call Milah and Sara tya kalau diorg nk kirim.
Sal: Ko ni tu pun nak tya org.
Nurul: Well, aku ni kan suka pk psl org lain. Since aku dah kat Chatime aku pn tau diorg suke chatime so aku tyalah.  And making people happy makes me happy :)))
Sal: Whateverla.. tp diorg belum tentu igt kat ko.

Sesampai di rumah .
Nurul: Nah Chatime korang
Milah & Sara: TQ Nur
Nurul: Korang g ke kedai asam pedas td? Ada tapaukan aku x?
Milah: Oo x terigt pulak kat ko. Sorry la
Nurul: X igt kat aku, takpela, kira malang lah nasib aku ;)
Bila terbaca dialog ni aku senyum jer.. sedikit sebanyak itu mesti terjadi dalam perhubungan sesama kawan. Sebab tu kita boleh namakan seseorg tu sebagai sahabat dunia akhirat, kawan rapat, bestie, besfren, kawan, kenalan, kenal camtu2 jer dan byk lg lar.

Kawan, mereka nilah yg membantu mencorakkan attitude kita. Merekalah yang tegar memberikan pengalaman dan pengajaran dalam hidup ni. Merekalah orang selain famili yang kita ada. Tanpa kita sedar lebih 50% masa kita dihabiskan dengan kawan. Dari start nursery, tadika, sekolah smpi pencen kot mmg kita akan habiskan masa lebih byk bersama org lain daripada famili.

Aku dan kawan. Ok bab ni mmg emosi sikit. As for me, kawan is like ur twin. You can share anything though u r different in everything. Aku mudah menerima kawan dan mudah anggap org sebagai kawan rapat. Kalau dah jd besfren aku baik buruk pun aku terima. Kalau aku pandai (org ckp) so aku nk kawan aku pn pandai and dpt gred yg sama. Hm setengah orang cakap tak bagus utk ada sikap yang mcm tu. Zaman sekarang ni (dari zaman sekolah org dah ckp mcm tu. Now like almost 20yrs already) kebanyakan org x boleh dipercayai. Well, bab ni terlalu subjektif dan sebagai manusia biasa kita pun bukan sempurna dan suci murni lagi terpelihara dari dosa. Di mata kita org ni ambil kesempatan dan tak bagus dijadikan kawan, tp di mata org lain kita pula dilihat mengambil kesempatan ke atas individu yg lain.

Aku mmg emosi. Suka membahagiakan org lain dan selalu menangis kerana orang lain. Tapi pengalaman yang diperolehi sedikit demi sedikit membangkitkan satu karisma yang lain. Personalitiku mungkin tak berubah tp attitude towards somebody mungkin berubah. Puas rasanya biar hati 'dibuli' oleh orang yg tak reti mengenang erti dan pengorbanan especially diri sendiri yang tak kesian dengan hati sendiri. Puas sudah rasanya..

So what i learn?
Be kind to people
And dont expect to get the same or even less from people u help
Allah is always beside me.
The most Gracious
The most  Merciful

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chatime RM1 ThirstDay Deal


Ok ini ketagihan baru yang melanda diri ini. Lately, selera makan kembali menyerang seperti terdapat virus2 yang menyebarkan penyakit mengunyah pada mulut ni.

I barely had my 1st to call my own Chatime treat about two weeks ago and it happened that i drank two cups of it the next day hahaha. Next after next day terus googling about chatime bcoz the cashier did mentioned about their promotions which i didnt paid much attentions as i termenung jap tgk the baristas making the drinks.. Wonder if my skills still in me.. i just love making drinks for people . Satisfied.

So bukak pakcik Google and found this. Wallawey~~ Yummeh!

Thirstea Member: present your card upon order and treat yourself to a 2nd drink at RM1* ONLY!
Non Member : Receive 50% for the 2nd Cup.

*Excluding Chatime Queensbay Mall, Penang
*Applicable on THURSDAYS, between 3PM-6PM ONLY
*2nd Cup offer applies for drink worth RM5.90 or LOWER value ONLY 
*Not in conjunction with other promotions and/or vouchers
*Not valid for delivery services
*Other terms & conditions may apply

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pureen Warehouse Sales 2014

Oh i missed it!

20141129 Pureen Stock Clearance Promo-Shah Alam

Not that i dunno about it, it just the eagerness wasnt there anymore hihi. Lagipun nk balik my kampung bwk the cinonets jumpa atoq, mak pak sedara and sepupu sepapat diorg. Rase mcm lama x jupe atok. Dalam 3 minggu ada. Masa tu pn balik kejap jer jadi Bonda tak puas jumpa  atoq juga hihi (sebenarnya bonda yg rindu nk manja ngn atoq hehe)

So, Pureen maybe next time.  Bila Aaron dah nak jadi abang nanti kot huhuhu ^_^

Monday, December 1, 2014

12 Gambar Yang Ada Dalam Telefon Bimbit Seorang Ibubapa

All those pictures are in my handphone hahaha.. Memang normal rasanya kalau ibu dan ayah (Especially ibu, mak, mama, bonda, mummy, umi dll) suke bena ambik gamba anak. Semacam satu hobi yang sgt memuaskan hati.. berbunga2 rasa hati ni kan ^_^.

So jom tgk ada tak gambar2 yang mcm kat bawah ni dalam henpon korang tu.. jengjengjeng.. hihihi

13 Photos Every Parent Has on Their Phone
 So much Angst!

  Kids are so cute when they’re covered in food (until you have to bathe them).

We parents cannot help ourselves when it comes to our sleeping children. I mean, if someone took a picture of me sleeping, they’d be visiting Junk Punch City. Maybe it’s because kids look angelic when they sleep, and I just look drunk.

 I take these pictures so when my hairdresser says, “Wow, more grey hairs!” I can be like, “This is why.”

This is a devastating commentary on my obsession with coffee and fingerless mesh gloves

Toddlers love to take pictures of themselves.


 Whenever I’m not with my kids I come across things I know they’d love.

If you stare at it long enough, it starts to look like one of those hidden image posters. I think I see a rocking horse!

Not pictured: All the photos my daughter takes of me when I’m getting dressed

 Maybe it’s the inside of my diaper bag? Or the inside of my pocket? And why don’t I delete it

 Bonus points for this one because my daughter took it selfie-style.

Photos courtesy of Heather Spohr