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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pasteurize Your Breastmilk at Home

How can breastmilk be pasteurized at home?

When full screening is not available, donor health status is unknown, or to reduce the potential risks of exposure to HIV and/or other pathogens, breastmilk can be pasteurized at home.
  • Holder pasteurization
Holder pasteurization is considered the standard for human and cow’s milk pasteurization. It has been shown to inactivate pathogens while maintaining adequate nutritious properties. However, given its longer time-temperature curves, this method damages more of the antimicrobial factors of breastmilk than would flash pasteurization.

This method of pasteurization can be done by parents or caregivers on the stove top, or with a home pasteurizer kit for human milk. Some mothers may decide they want to buy commercial grade pasteurizers which are also available.

  • Flash-heating (FH)
Flash-heating is a low-tech method of pasteurizing breastmilk that was developed for HIV postitive mothers in developing countries who had no safe or affordable alternatives for feeding their infants.1
Studies by a research team lead by Israel-Ballard,2 have shown that FH breastmilk inactivates HIV and 4 common bacteria.
For an explanation on how to perform the Flash-heat method of pasteurization, please go here.
For more information on the different pasteurization methods see this section.
Cooling down heat-treated milk
Cooked foods have a ‘danger zone,’ a temperature range from 60ºC/140ºF to 4ºC/39ºF where bacteria like to grow. It is therefore important to cool milk down quickly after it has been heated. Cooling the container in ice water is the quickest way to cool milk. Depending on the amount of milk, cooling it in the refrigerator is generally not recommended as the milk will cool unevenly, leaving some milk too warm for too long. Please know that not all glass is suited for heating and rapid cooling.

Reusing heat-treated milk In this study, the researchers discuss that after cooling “flash-heat was successful in completely eliminating bacteria in the majority of samples, and prevented substantial growth for up to 8 h when stored at room temperature.”

To date, the safety of reheating previously heat-treated milk has not, to our knowledge, been studied. It should be noted that most literature speaks in terms of heating expressed milk for feeding but that mothers generally warm the (thawed) milk under running warm water or set it in a container in warm water for a short while to get the chill out of it. Gently warming should not be considered heat-treating. For optimal properties of breastmilk, reheating (warming) milk should not be done directly in a pan on the stove top nor in a container set in boiling water on the stove top (which would be heat-treating it unnecessarily).

Heat-treated milk can possibly be refrigerated or frozen following common food safety protocols. We suggest, however, that after a first feeding, milk that was heat-treated not be refrigerated and reheated again as anti-bacteriological properties can decline with increased handling.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Buat Kuih Dengan Cinonet

Last Saturday was the best day ever when dua beranak, Bonda and Kakak cinonet buat kecah kat dapur huhuhu. Adik plak tdo mmg menjadik la projek Bonda and Kakak.

Since Bonda pn boring and nak menghilangkan pengaruh dadah ubat dalam badan ni ohh Bonda dah MC dua hari sebab demam sesemer, jadi sauna (duk kt dapor lar) adalah jalan terbaik hehehe.

Bila Cik Puteri sayang tu nampak Bonda tung tang ketung ketang kat dapur mula la dtg menjenguk dan jd reporter ala2 Cek Temah. Mcm retis plak Bonda rase bila byk nau soalan drpd si Kakak. Lastly Cek Temah pn join la Bonda nyer buat kuih Buah Melaka ^_^

TQ Kakak, really made my day. I feel blessed. Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Lonjong plak jadinyer hihihi

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hukum Air Laut dan Isi Di Dalamnya

Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata “Seorang lelaki menanyakan kepada Rasulullah, katanya: Ya Rasulullah, kami biasa berlayar di lautan dan hanya membawa air sedikit. Jika kami pakai air itu untuk berwudhuk, akibatnya kami akan kehausan, maka bolehkah. kami berwudhuk dengan air laut? Berkatalah Rasulullah saw.:Laut itu airnya suci lagi menyucikan(2), dan bangkainya halal dimakan.(Muttafaq’ Alaih, diriwayatkan oleh Yang Berlima)
Air laut hukumnya suci dan boleh digunakan untuk berwuduk kerana ia adalah air yang mengalir. Jika terdapat najis sekalipun di dalamya ia tidak berada setempat dan akan dibawa arus.

Hadith Ibnu ‘Umar radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:“Dihalalkan bagi kita dua jenis bangkai dan dua jenis darah. Dan dua jenis bangkai itu adalah bangkai ikan dan belalang. Manakala dua jenis darah itu pula adalah hati dan limpa.” (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad (no.5690)

Mazhab Syafie menghalalkan haiwan laut selain ikan seperti sotong, ketam dan udang. Cuma ketam nipah diharamkan keran ia juga hidup di daratan. Dalam mazhab Hanafi, mereka mengharamkan makan sotong kerana ia umpama tikus (tikus laut), jika tikus tidak boleh di makan di darat, maka ia juga tidak boleh di makan di laut. Sepanjang hayatnya Baginda Mulia cuma makan ikan sekali sahaja. Rasulullah SAW tidak makan makanan laut yang lain seperti sotong atau ketam.

copypaste from

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sotong Kering Lebih Bahaya Daripada Merokok?

Pagi ni dapat mesej kasih sayang tentang Bahaya Makan Sotong Kering. Phewww bila baca rase mcm ngeri gakla tp sbb aku ni mmg tak minat sotong kering so ada rase selamat sikitlah hahaha boleh gitu..

Kandungan sms bunyiknya gini:

Sedarkah anda, selalu makan sotong kering lebih merbahaya dari merokok.

GEORGE TOWN - Ramai mengetahui keenakan sotong kering ditambah lagi jika dimasak sebagai sambal. Namun Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP) mendedahkan, tidak mungkin ramai pengguna sedar bahawa sotong kering kaya dengan logam toksik jenis kadmium, bahan yang sama digunakan dalam membuat bateri, plastik dan baja fosfat.

"Kesan pengambilan kadmium mendedahkan seseorang terhadap kanser payu dara, kanser prostat serta penyakit buah pinggang,'' kata Presidennya, S. M. Mohamed Idris pada sidang media di pejabatnya di sini semalam. Menurutnya, selain sotong kering, makanan laut kering lain seperti tiram, ikan bilis dan udang juga mengandungi kadmium tetapi pada kadar yang lebih rendah.

"Hasil ujian yang dilakukan mendapati kandungan kadmium dalam sotong kering melebihi empat kali ganda had yang dibenarkan,'' ujarnya.]

PEGAWAI penyelidik CAP, Hatijah Hashim menunjukkan sotong kering yang didakwa dicemari kadmium di pejabatnya di Pulau Pinang.

Info: Dalam mazhab Hanafi, sotong adalah haram dimakan.
Sumber Google Tahun 2010.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Noah Band - Hero

If you ask me how i fellI want to burn my lonely soulFly me through the danger zoneLike a shadow in your home
So let me be your heroAnd cast away your sin abovelet me be your heroand cast away your sin own
Fly me now and don't despairI'll be flying through your door
So let me be your heroAnd cast away your sin abovelet me be your heroand cast away your sin
Stand up I'll be on your sideTake my hand todayWe can fly togetherLet me lead the way